hello beautiful soul

My name is Nikki and it is so nice to finally be in each other’s worlds! I would love to share a piece of my heart with you and drop you into why it is I do what I do. This story is here to expand your mind into what is possible for you in this life.

It was only just a few years ago that I was a completely different person. I struggled with extreme anxiety, self doubt, panic attacks and endless self sabotaging behavior. I felt lost, unfulfilled, and found myself consistently hitting up against walls.

I couldn’t understand why I could have so many conscious desires but yet, I was constantly at war with my own mind and remained stuck feeling powerless and hopeless. I could feel my heart pulling my in a soul aligned direction but yet my mind was convincing me I wasn’t safe to do so. So I remained stuck in the same loops. It started to make me feel like I was going crazy.

In 2021 I went through a heavy dark night of the soul that brought me to my knees.

It was in the middle of those dark days that I started to contemplate if this pain was my truth. While reading the book The Untethered Soul I had a massive awakening. I finally felt in my body and remembered in my heart that I am not my pain or suffering. I am the one observing it. It was in that split moment while sitting on the beach that I unlocked a completely new way of seeing myself, forever. I started to see that I was not a victim to my emotions and my mind, I was the powerful consciousness that was observing it. From here, my soul led me to go deeper on my journey through subconscious healing work. I began to do the deep work of unwinding false conditioning and programs that blocked me from remembering my innate wholeness and power.

I knew this work was powerful when

after 3 months of working with my own coach and diving deep into my own subconscious healing journey, my entire life began to change. I started to access profound levels of peace and happiness that made me feel like I was high on life. I also began to tap into a frequency and power that had me taking aligned actions on my dreams in a way I never had before. In a few short months I was running the business of my dreams, being of service to the collective and feeling levels of fulfillment and peace I didn’t know was possible. I was finally LIVING in the reality that I used to dream of.

I couldn't believe the answer I was looking for this entire time laid right in between my own two eyes...and better yet...within my own being. As I continued to lean into subconscious healing work I continued to unlock higher and higher frequencies within my being and my life just kept getting better and better. My relationships flourished, my business grew, and I developed a deep knowing of my life’s mission and purpose.

At the time I was already coaching as a personal development coach but I felt the calling to integrate these teachings of subconscious liberation and spiritual expansion into my practice. I knew this work was a part of my mission. I spend the last 2 years studying under mentors and coaches learning the ins and outs of the subconscious and how to guide others on this healing path.

Fast forward 2 years later...

I have guided countless clients to experience deep breakthroughs from their own subconscious limitations. I have witnessed beautiful souls go from scared and fearful to powerful and limitless, from lost and unfulfilled to deeply aligned with their life path.

The reality shifts and manifestations I have witnessed have been nothing short of magical. I feel so deeply grateful to be doing what I do. I am consistently in awe with just how powerful we all are when we dissolve the subconscious storylines that block us from seeing our innate wholeness, power, and inner peace.

We are all powerful beyond what our minds can even conceptually understand.

This work is my purpose and I honor to help as many people as I can unlock their true potential, access their authentic power, and shift into their highest timeline.